A high throughput, high-sensitivity procedure, involving simultaneous microwave-assisted extraction
(MAS) and unsaponifiable extraction, followed by on-line liquid chromatography (LC)–gas chromatography
(GC), has been optimised for rapid and efficient extraction and analytical determination ofmineral oil
saturated hydrocarbons (MOSH) and mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAH) in cereal-based products
of different composition. MAS has the advantage of eliminating fat before LC–GC analysis, allowing
an increase in the amount of sample extract injected, and hence in sensitivity. The proposed method gave
practically quantitative recoveries and good repeatability. Among the different cereal-based products
analysed (dry semolina and egg pasta, bread, biscuits, and cakes), egg pasta packed in direct contact with
recycled paperboard had on average the highest total MOSH level (15.9 mg kg1), followed by cakes
(10.4 mg kg1) and bread (7.5 mg kg1). About 50% of the pasta and bread samples and 20% of the biscuits
and cake samples had detectable MOAH amounts. The highest concentrations were found in an egg pasta
in direct contact with recycled paperboard (3.6 mg kg1) and in a milk bread (3.6 mg kg1).
A high throughput, high-sensitivity procedure, involving simultaneous microwave-assisted extraction(MAS) and unsaponifiable extraction, followed by on-line liquid chromatography (LC)–gas chromatography(GC), has been optimised for rapid and efficient extraction and analytical determination ofmineral oilsaturated hydrocarbons (MOSH) and mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAH) in cereal-based productsof different composition. MAS has the advantage of eliminating fat before LC–GC analysis, allowingan increase in the amount of sample extract injected, and hence in sensitivity. The proposed method gavepractically quantitative recoveries and good repeatability. Among the different cereal-based productsanalysed (dry semolina and egg pasta, bread, biscuits, and cakes), egg pasta packed in direct contact withrecycled paperboard had on average the highest total MOSH level (15.9 mg kg1), followed by cakes(10.4 mg kg1) and bread (7.5 mg kg1). About 50% of the pasta and bread samples and 20% of the biscuitsand cake samples had detectable MOAH amounts. The highest concentrations were found in an egg pastain direct contact with recycled paperboard (3.6 mg kg1) and in a milk bread (3.6 mg kg1).
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