-Main character
Jake is 18 years old he live in Manchester he has white skin , slender and handsome.he doesn’t like to travel but it was just a holiday.
Maria is a beautiful woman,tall,popular but makes the problem occurs.
Jake and Marie acting as the main character that is the character of the story since the beginning and the end and Maria is a beautiful woman until makes the problem occurs.
-Subordinate or minor character
Police and tourist acting as the character to help conduct story.
-Man against man
Jake got to the facing with police because he did not intend steel the camera of the tourist.
-Man against himself
He want to overcome the heart of Maria and feel regret steal the camera of the tourists and the place unfavorabie,there are always hurdles and destiny is not favorable.
Point of view
Describe by third parties is Mr.Annette keen has a writing lecture and tell a story since the beginning of the end, media out is a message give readers interests in content offered.
It has many of the scenes are noteworthy in this story since scene debut Jake met Maria, scene the both familiarize , scene Jake take a photo Maria, and scene Jake is arrested.
London is the capital and most popular city of Englang and the united kingdom and European Union. In that year has a festival called Nothing Hill that is the scene man-made.Nothing Hill carnival have three place street, cafe shop and police station.
Jake steals a camera to take a photo Maria but owner of camera inform the police jack there fore arrested after that the police saw picture of Maria so called Maria come found.
Jake meets Maria although Jake feel regrets that he stole camera from the tourists come
take photograph which the ending of story is unhappy.
Jake has commited and attempted to echieve the goals set and Jake feels so guity bed about the Maria ,that he takes a camera from a tourist.