Experimental study performed by Mohamamad Aziz Shah (2008) has shown that teens following the guidance of
group counselling have increased self-concept than those not following the intervention group. Based on studies
done by Hack, Youngstrom, Cartar et al., 2004; Gilbert, 2007 showed that out-of-wedlock pregnant teenagers
experience high depression. A study by Miller et al.(2008) which used psychotherapy group counselling has
successfully reduced the depression of out-of-wedlock pregnant teenagers. Similarly ,a study done by Mohammad
Nasir (2006) who has done a group counselling experimental study showed that teenagers following group
counselling treatment have successfully reduced depression compared with the control group. A study done by
Guerra (2010) showed that out-of-wedlock pregnant teenagers have low resilience. Studies done by Md Noor Saper
(2012), MohamamadAziz Shah (2008) and Smith-Adcock et al.(2008) showed that teenagers following group
counselling treatment interventions have successfully increased resilience compared to the control group. The results
show that both modules are effective in improving self-concept, reducing depression and increasing the resilience of
out of wedlock pregnant teenagers. This effect can be seen on the youth who were following the counseling group
treatment compared to the control group. The difference between the two theories is in terms of approaches, goals,
roles and functions of the group. Person-centered group counseling is secular in nature and Ad-Din cognitive
psychology is religious in nature. However, the two theories used also has similarity such as counseling skills that
have contributed to the effectiveness of the treatment carried out. This is consistent with the views Wan Kader and
Ismail (2006) and Sapora (2008) which state that the skills used in western counseling as structuring skills, listening
skills, decision making skills, paraphrasing, minimal encouragement, confrontation skills, and et cetera have no
conflict in Islam. Next, they explain that a Muslim counselor must be able to master the skills of counseling. Both of
these modules have their own strengths.
Experimental study performed by Mohamamad Aziz Shah (2008) has shown that teens following the guidance ofgroup counselling have increased self-concept than those not following the intervention group. Based on studiesdone by Hack, Youngstrom, Cartar et al., 2004; Gilbert, 2007 showed that out-of-wedlock pregnant teenagersexperience high depression. A study by Miller et al.(2008) which used psychotherapy group counselling hassuccessfully reduced the depression of out-of-wedlock pregnant teenagers. Similarly ,a study done by MohammadNasir (2006) who has done a group counselling experimental study showed that teenagers following groupcounselling treatment have successfully reduced depression compared with the control group. A study done byGuerra (2010) showed that out-of-wedlock pregnant teenagers have low resilience. Studies done by Md Noor Saper(2012), MohamamadAziz Shah (2008) and Smith-Adcock et al.(2008) showed that teenagers following groupcounselling treatment interventions have successfully increased resilience compared to the control group. The resultsshow that both modules are effective in improving self-concept, reducing depression and increasing the resilience ofout of wedlock pregnant teenagers. This effect can be seen on the youth who were following the counseling grouptreatment compared to the control group. The difference between the two theories is in terms of approaches, goals,roles and functions of the group. Person-centered group counseling is secular in nature and Ad-Din cognitivepsychology is religious in nature. However, the two theories used also has similarity such as counseling skills thathave contributed to the effectiveness of the treatment carried out. This is consistent with the views Wan Kader andIsmail (2006) and Sapora (2008) which state that the skills used in western counseling as structuring skills, listeningskills, decision making skills, paraphrasing, minimal encouragement, confrontation skills, and et cetera have noconflict in Islam. Next, they explain that a Muslim counselor must be able to master the skills of counseling. Both ofthese modules have their own strengths.
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