Bucket Width/Height: The bucket size defines the number of pixel values calculated concurrently and is controlled via the Height and Width settings. The default value of 32 by 32 means that each bucket will be 32 pixels wide and 32 pixels high. Using larger buckets will increase the amount of memory required but can result in speed improvement. However, if multiple threads are being used it is important to remember that using smaller buckets can result in a better load balanced total frame. It is likely that when using multiple buckets they will not finish at exactly the same instant therefore there will usually be one bucket/thread computing when the other bucket(s)/thread(s) are finished. If the buckets are very large the amount of time the render engine is using only one thread will increase which of course decreases the impact of the additional processors on final render time. One might come to the conclusion that they should set the bucket size as small as possible, this is incorrect as well, system performance may decrease with the overhead to manage the buckets, while reducing anti-aliasing quality (as bucket borders cannot be anti-aliased to their neighboring pixels outside the bucket; decreasing the size of the bucket increases the number of 'border buckets'). Luxology Chief Scientist Allen Hastings, concludes that the 32 by 32 pixel bucket is typically the ideal size bucket when rendering approximately video resolution sized frames.
Bucket Order: The bucket order determines the pattern in which the buckets are rendered. In some cases there can be a small performance benefit to certain patterns. In particular the Hilbert pattern is designed to maximize bucket edge concurrency to reduce the amount of data that must be purged and loaded whereas Random would be most likely the least efficient in that regard. Aside from some slight variance in performance, using different bucket orders is simply entertaining and can be used to impress your friends who use rendering engines with boring fixed render patterns.
Rows-- Renders the buckets in rows from left to right starting and the top and working down.
Columns-- Renders the buckets in columns from top to bottom starting on the right side and working to the left.
Spiral-- Renders the buckets from the center spot outward in a clockwise spiraling pattern.
Hilbert-- Uses a specially formulated pattern that snakes across the screen making certain that there is as much concurrency from bucket to bucket across the entire frame. This pattern can result in slightly improved render performance on certain hardware architectures that are not as efficient with bus bandwidth as it will reduce the amount of data being loaded and purged from bucket to bucket.
Random-- Renders the buckets in a random order across the screen.
Reverse Order: When this option is checked the order of buckets will be reversed so that, for example, the Columns pattern would start at the bottom right hand side of the image and work its way bottom to top in columns towards the left of the screen.
Write Buckets to Disk: Designed to facilitate renders of enormous resolution, this option will cause each completed bucket to store its frame buffer data on disc rather than in system memory. The frame buffer of an image contains a tremendous amount of data and can become quite large for even video resolution images. For instance a 640 by 480 pixel image will require upwards of 5 megabytes to hold the frame buffer. Doubling the image resolution will quadruple the number of pixels and memory requirement for the frame buffer. When rendering images for large format media such as printed billboards or IMAX film, the frame buffer size can become unwieldy. Activating Write Buckets to Disk will drastically reduce the memory overhead. Note that this feature is not compatible with Network Rendering.
Bucket Width/Height: The bucket size defines the number of pixel values calculated concurrently and is controlled via the Height and Width settings. The default value of 32 by 32 means that each bucket will be 32 pixels wide and 32 pixels high. Using larger buckets will increase the amount of memory required but can result in speed improvement. However, if multiple threads are being used it is important to remember that using smaller buckets can result in a better load balanced total frame. It is likely that when using multiple buckets they will not finish at exactly the same instant therefore there will usually be one bucket/thread computing when the other bucket(s)/thread(s) are finished. If the buckets are very large the amount of time the render engine is using only one thread will increase which of course decreases the impact of the additional processors on final render time. One might come to the conclusion that they should set the bucket size as small as possible, this is incorrect as well, system performance may decrease with the overhead to manage the buckets, while reducing anti-aliasing quality (as bucket borders cannot be anti-aliased to their neighboring pixels outside the bucket; decreasing the size of the bucket increases the number of 'border buckets'). Luxology Chief Scientist Allen Hastings, concludes that the 32 by 32 pixel bucket is typically the ideal size bucket when rendering approximately video resolution sized frames.
Bucket Order: The bucket order determines the pattern in which the buckets are rendered. In some cases there can be a small performance benefit to certain patterns. In particular the Hilbert pattern is designed to maximize bucket edge concurrency to reduce the amount of data that must be purged and loaded whereas Random would be most likely the least efficient in that regard. Aside from some slight variance in performance, using different bucket orders is simply entertaining and can be used to impress your friends who use rendering engines with boring fixed render patterns.
Rows-- Renders the buckets in rows from left to right starting and the top and working down.
Columns-- Renders the buckets in columns from top to bottom starting on the right side and working to the left.
Spiral-- Renders the buckets from the center spot outward in a clockwise spiraling pattern.
Hilbert-- Uses a specially formulated pattern that snakes across the screen making certain that there is as much concurrency from bucket to bucket across the entire frame. This pattern can result in slightly improved render performance on certain hardware architectures that are not as efficient with bus bandwidth as it will reduce the amount of data being loaded and purged from bucket to bucket.
Random-- Renders the buckets in a random order across the screen.
Reverse Order: When this option is checked the order of buckets will be reversed so that, for example, the Columns pattern would start at the bottom right hand side of the image and work its way bottom to top in columns towards the left of the screen.
Write Buckets to Disk: Designed to facilitate renders of enormous resolution, this option will cause each completed bucket to store its frame buffer data on disc rather than in system memory. The frame buffer of an image contains a tremendous amount of data and can become quite large for even video resolution images. For instance a 640 by 480 pixel image will require upwards of 5 megabytes to hold the frame buffer. Doubling the image resolution will quadruple the number of pixels and memory requirement for the frame buffer. When rendering images for large format media such as printed billboards or IMAX film, the frame buffer size can become unwieldy. Activating Write Buckets to Disk will drastically reduce the memory overhead. Note that this feature is not compatible with Network Rendering.
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