The unique and innovative Climate and Environmental Law program at Sydney Law School is at the forefront of contemporary issues in climate and environmental law. Climate and environmental law form one of the most rapidly expanding areas of specialisation in the law. At Sydney Law School, this expansion is reflected in the abundance and variety of units available in the study of this field.
The Master of Environmental Law (MEL) has been designed to meet the needs of both Australian environmental specialists and those from other countries. You can select from a wide range of units of study, including international and comparative environmental law, which focuses on the Asia-Pacific region.
As the provider of Australia’s largest postgraduate environmental law course, Sydney Law School offers candidates the opportunity to study their chosen areas of specialisation in the format that suits them best. This includes intensive units of study that are taught over a period of four to five days and the opportunity to take units from other related disciplines. The depth and innovation of the course is complemented by its well-reputed academic staff and visiting lecturers. The course includes an International Faculty which brings experts from various countries to lecture in specialist units. Master of Environmental Law candidates will complete 48 credit points, which is equivalent to 8 units of study. There is one compulsory unit of study, Environmental Law & Policy and students without a law degree must also complete the unit, Legal Reasoning & the Common Law System. You are then able to choose from a wide range of relevant electives on offer.
Under normal progression, a student shall undertake and successfully complete all units of study to the value of 24 credit points per semester as prescribed for the course. Students are required to attend all lectures, tutorials and other activities prescribed for their units of study.
Graduate opportunities
The Master of Environmental Law (MEL) is designed for those working in Environmental Law and Policy who wish to upgrade their qualification(s) for the purposes of career advancement or professional and academic interest.
Further study
Sydney Law School is a major international centre for legal research. The faculty has internationally renowned academic staff members whose expertise range across a wide variety of fields. The faculty also has the largest postgraduate research program in Australia with more than 100 research students, many from interstate or overseas, currently enrolled in doctoral or masters programs. Sydney Law School offers four higher degrees by research: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Doctor of Juridical Studies (SJD), Master of Laws by research (LLM) and Master of Criminology by research (MCrim).