The next restoration was conducted on November 2013 in area of 0.05 hectares. Learning from the previous
experience, the restoration activities was used as an experimental material planting by OTAP team. Before the
restoration, a discussion about the location, type of seedling and number of participants of mangrove restoration was
conducted by PHE ONWJ, Tim OTAP and local government
Based on initial studies about characteristics of soil analyzed by the Technical Advisor of OTAP PHE ONWJ, the
type of dominant substrate is a mud so it is suitable for Rhizophora sp. The location is an abandoned fishpond so
there is flow of fresh water irrigating the fishpond. When the high tide, the flow of sea water is also quite. It is due to
type of tide of West Java Sea is mixed tide prevailing diurnal with a mean tidal range of 1 m [12]. Moreover, the
location is also sheltered from large wave due to there is breakwater.
As the results of discussions between local government, community and PHE ONWJ, these restoration activities
were involving employees of PHE ONWJ, OTAP team and Sedari villagers. OTAP team planted 3,000 seedlings of
Rhizophora sp in Karang Sari Hamlet. One of failure factor on the previous mangrove restoration is goat. Therefore,
OTAP team put on bamboo fence around the planting site to keep away from the goats and hold domestic waste
when the tide is high.