Social networking has greatly affected the way people interact with society in many ways. One way is that people are now more open to meeting new people. Through social networking sites like Facebook, your friend’s friend will most likely be your friend too because you both have a common friend, thus expanding your social circle. Another effect is that people lose their interpersonal skills. Some people in this age of social networking would prefer to meet new friends online and keep it that way, not wanting to meet them in person. This is due to the fact that they have already made a “perfect” profile of themselves online. They wouldn’t want the other person to see who they really are. Finally, social networking has changed the way people live. For some people, staying connected to Facebook or twitter is part of their daily lives. They wake up in the morning and the first thing they do is look at their Facebook page or post a message. They tweet everything they’re doing and post pictures of what they are eating, etc. It would just be too much of a chaos if one day, this thing called the internet just disappeared from our world.