Research Instrument
The questionnaire is a popular device to collect the information or facts through
respondent so as to evaluate accurately. The survey questionnaire is based on the
clauses of ISO 9001:2008 certification, motives and improvement due to ISO
Certification. The questionnaire consist of 15 close-ended questions arranged under
five points Likert-scale ranging from strongly disagree (=1) to strongly agree (=5).
Higher score indicates the higher extent of current practices and lower score indicates
the less practices. Similarly 4 closed end questions were used for motives of ISO
9001:2008 certification. Improvement in quality awareness, employee morale,
teamwork, customer satisfaction, defective level, customer complain, cost of quality,
clearly defined responsibility and obligation, increase confidence in QMS, training and
motivation and customer relationship has observed using the similar 5 point Likert
scale where 1 indicates the major improvement and 5 indicates the major decoration.
Besides Structured questionnaire personal interview were taken as it would help to
probe and elicit reactions of participants.
Reliability Analysis
Reliability is synonymous with repeatability. A measurement that yields consistent
results over time is said to be reliable. When a measurement is prone to random error,
it lacks reliability. Cronbach's alpha measures how well a set of items (or variables)
measures a single unidimensional latent construct. As the average inter-item
correlation increases, Cronbach's alpha increases as well. This makes sense intuitively -
if the inter-item correlations are high, then there is evidence that the items are
measuring the same underlying construct. This is really what is meant when someone
says they have "high" or "good" reliability. They are referring to how well their items
measure a single unidimensional latent construct. The coefficient which is 0.7 or higher
are considered adequate (Nunally, 1998). Table 2 shows that the reliability exist is
somehow acceptable where the Chronbach’s alpha lies between 0.64 to 0.93. Out of
fifteen scale six has Cronbach’s alpha less than 0.7 which indicate that the clauses are
not properly understandable by the concern respondents, which also indicates that
there is lack of training.
The average scores on extent of current practices of ISO 9001:2008 clauses are shown in
table 3 are ranges from 3.2 to 3.94. This indicates that the clauses stated by ISO
9001:2008 is not understand by the human resources within the organization. The
problem arises due to part time teachers who used to come to take classes on period
basis and lack of training provided by the institutions.
An organization can build up a quality management system without implementing ISO
Certification. Still there are many advantages of establishing quality management
system by establishing ISO 9001:2008 certifications. Forty-nine percentage of the