The importance of effective leadership in organizations is frequently emphasized and
discussed in both academic and practitioner circles. Employers on the recruiting trail
are looking for job candidates who possess the coveted leadership skills that will help
them to make a meaningful contribution to the organization. A 2015 Job Outlook Survey indicated that leadership skills were the most commonly desired attributes that
employers looked for on a candidate’s resume, with almost 78% of employers targeting
these skills specifically (National Association of Colleges and Employers [NACE],
2014). Furthermore, the next three most sought-after skills mentioned in this employer
survey—team skills, communication skills, and problem-solving skills—are all attributes
of effective leadership. Another Critical Skills Survey revealed that three out of
four respondents indicated that the aforementioned skill categories will become even
more important in the next 3 to 5 years (American Management Association [AMA],
2013). The emphasis being placed on leadership skills can be seen through the advent
of schools of leadership, designated majors or degrees in leadership, and specialized
certificates in leadership at the undergraduate and/or graduate level (Leadership
Schools, n.d.).
The importance of effective leadership in organizations is frequently emphasized anddiscussed in both academic and practitioner circles. Employers on the recruiting trailare looking for job candidates who possess the coveted leadership skills that will helpthem to make a meaningful contribution to the organization. A 2015 Job Outlook Survey indicated that leadership skills were the most commonly desired attributes thatemployers looked for on a candidate’s resume, with almost 78% of employers targetingthese skills specifically (National Association of Colleges and Employers [NACE],2014). Furthermore, the next three most sought-after skills mentioned in this employersurvey—team skills, communication skills, and problem-solving skills—are all attributesof effective leadership. Another Critical Skills Survey revealed that three out offour respondents indicated that the aforementioned skill categories will become evenmore important in the next 3 to 5 years (American Management Association [AMA],2013). The emphasis being placed on leadership skills can be seen through the adventof schools of leadership, designated majors or degrees in leadership, and specializedcertificates in leadership at the undergraduate and/or graduate level (LeadershipSchools, n.d.).
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