Hey Students!
In your 5 minutes presentation, first of all, introduce yourself with confidence, make sure you are beautiful, handsome and awesome. When you are ready try to tell me and your friends 1. What is your interest? And why? 2. What topic do you want to work on? (based on your interest and make sure you really really really like this topic since you have to stick with it the rest of this semester) and why you want to write about it. 3. Give me the outline of your work – try to recall what we’ve been doing since the first week – the format contains Claim, Premises and Conclusion. (write it down, you can read this part during your show time but after that give it to me) 4. How would you find the evidences (same things as premises) to support your claim. Always remember you are trying to make an argument of your chosen topic – not making a description or summary of the information. Oki?
Remember the corpse exhibition? This is the part when you have to propose the killing method and I will review and either approve it or propose a different method. You already received the first salary (1st quiz) so you cannot escape anymore. Come on! Writing is a journey, so let’s take this amazing trip together!!! And make things happen :)