Rubberwood, after extraction of latex, is an alternative for conventional timbers in wood-based industries and has substantial economic importance in the Kerala State of India. It's light cream color, strength, mechanical and good wood working properties favors the rubberwood demand. Fungi cause different types of damage to rubberwood, such as decay, soft rot, moulds and sapstain due to the humid tropical climate prevailing in this part of the country. Sapstain fungus, the primary colonizer of freshly felled lumber, is a great concern in paper and timber industries due to economic loss [1]. In tropical countries, the dominant sapstain fungus (Lasiodiplodia theobromae Pat), restricts the use of rubberwood and reduces its economic value due to its bluish-black staining and cell wall degradation [2]. Protection of wood and wood products from fungal deterioration is achieved mainly through chemical wood preservatives. The health hazards and environmental pollution caused by use of wood preservatives necessitates alternative environment-friendly approaches to wood protection