• Duration: 6 hours
• Venue: training Room
• Number of participants: 20-30
Training materials needed:
1. Flip Chart/White board
2. Markers
3. Notebook
4. Projector
5. Attendance Sheet
6. Writing materials with pens or pencils for participants
7. Communication skills assessment handouts
8. Evaluation handouts
NOTE: The training module has been made in English and as a trainer you will have to explain further
in Thai for the Rank and File staff and in some cases supervisory levels as well. As much as possible try
and make them understand the key words in English.
Welcome and introduce yourself to all the participants.
Begin the training with an ice-breaking / grouping activity. Play a grouping game called
“Synonym Game”. Prepare a set of small cards containing an English vocabulary item. In case of
20 participants, there can be a total of 4 groups each of which has 5 team members. Then,
prepare 4 sets of cards. The cards in each set (5 cards in each set) should contain an English
word and each word is a synonym to each other. For example,
Set 1: “Fast” / “Rapid” / “Prompt” / “Abrupt” / “Immediate”
Set 2: “Tremendous” / “Huge” / “Considerable” / “Stupendous” / “Massive”
Effective English Writing Techniques for E-mail Correspondences
Lesson Plan
CHR – Corporate Training
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Set 3: “Ask” / “Enquire” / “Interrogate” / “Inquire” / “Query”
Set 4: “Gain” / “Obtain” / “Acquire” / “Receive” / “Get”
Distribute the vocabulary card to each participant and then give them 3 minutes to walk around
the classroom and try to find their own group members who are holding the card containing a
synonym to their word. Those who are in the wrong group should be penalized, probably in an
amusing way such as dancing in front of the class.
At the end of this warm-up game, you can explain the meaning of each set of synonym to the
class. This is to enhance their vocabulary knowledge.
SLIDE 1 – Introducing the topic of learning