Table 1 shows that service quality ranges from 3.16 to 3.86 (from scale 5).
Thissuggests that the quality of service in the airline industry only slightly above average.
Further,it shows that full service airline respondents perceived better than that of low cost airlinesrespondent on all service quality dimensions.
The biggest difference between low cost andfull service airlines on the service quality dimension is emphaty (3.70 in full service airlineand the 3.16 in low cost airline), while smallest difference is on tangible dimension (3.42 inlow cost airline and 3.72 in full service airline).
In terms of price, the respondents perceivedthat low cost airline fares is better compared to full service airline fare (3.73 compared to3,55).
In other words, the respondents perceived that the fare of low cost airline is lower thanthe price of full service airlines. Nevertheless, in overall, full service airline customers aremore satisfied than customers of low cost airlines. This finding illustrates that low costairlines competition strategy emphasizes on price, while the full service airline emphasizes onservice quality.