Lee Chan, is supposedly too innocent for a kiss action, that makes Soonyoung think him adorable and his cuteness can't be resisted. They were keeping that position for quick minutes until Chan suddenly spoke as their lips were still glued.
“My first kiss....,”
His words, causing Soonyoung to pull away a bit, allowing the younger to speak freely. Chan was staring down at Soonyoung's shirt to avoid being spotted blush-ing as he continued on his words.
“...has been stolen,” he said.
Nothing has been making Soonyoung, this happy before. He was the happiest man standing on this planet after hearing that news and he crept up joyous wide smile. Chan quick an eyebrow at his senior's excitement.
“Who wouldn't be happy? I'm the first and will be the last one to kiss you,”
However, it gave Chan became more messed in confusion, “What is that mean?” he asked while tilting his head to the side. Soonyoung begin to grinning like a real silliest idiot alive.
“This must be crazy. You can considering me as insane or whatever you wanna call later onward but I'd like to say it once... I like you. From the start of your first day in school when you does never stops staring at me, I caught you though, just incase you didn't know yet. And today, I have made a craziest decision ever,”
He stopped halfway to gaining courage and breathing some immovable fresh air. Alongside Chan, who had a really blank yet mixing with confusion, curiosity and heavy heartbeats. He was surprised at his confession, obviously written in his face and even Soonyoung can tell that.
“Would you be my boyfriend?”
Would you be my boyfriend? is all repeated and lingering around Chan's head right at this moment. He was pretty double shocked and confirmed to be sent to hospital due to an exceeding astonishment.
His brain is still processing and gulping his salivas down his throat and his adam apple can be seen under the lights.
What is he supposed to say? What is he going to answer? Too many questions. He even wasn't sure if this was really a reality or just another daydream or a realistic dreaming because they are too real to be fantasies.
Soonyoung apologetically lowered his eyebrows. He rubbed his nape and looking aside in embarrassment when he didn't get Chan's respond.
“I'm truly sorry if it sounded discomfort to you. I know I shouldn't ask you for too early, but I guess, I'll give you some space to think. You don't have to answer me tonight or you'll regret. Better take your time,” he uttered and softly smiles.
Chan started to blinking rapidly in full of awkwardness and panics. He was unable to answer tonight, that's of course for sure. He just can't believe that he was noticed by his crush from all this time. He knew they were so close but he didn't expecting Soonyoung's reciprocate.
He was twirling his fingers in nervousness and couldn't say anything. Speechless. Soonyoung shook his head and comforting Chan by patting his shoulder.
“Told you. It's okay. Take as much time as you want. I'll wait,”
Chan thinning his lips into one-line in disappointment of himself. Soonyoung chuckled at the reaction and ruffling Chan's hair into a little mess. A cute mess, indeed, for his thought. He attempted to change topic, so he chose to pick up an empty bowl off the ground.
“Alright, let's go cleaning!”
2 hours later, they have finished cleaning and eating their baked cupcakes but they kept the remaining numbers for tomorrow, instead of munching them all. Night has fallen darker and late midnight is almost greeting them.
Soonyoung wanted to go home but Chan blocking him. Even if he is a guy, it is still dangerous outside there, to walking alone on the lonely streets, under a dim lights and silence. Isn't that creepy? Well, yes to Chan's opinion.
What if there's a street thug or robber or a murderer?
Chan was worrying a lot and over-imaginative. Soonyoung felt thankful at his concerns and cares, so he agreed to stay for sleepover. Chan told Soonyoung to wait downstairs as he went upstairs towards his bedroom and pulling out some covers and needed pillows.
As soon as he came back down, he spot Soonyoung to fell asleep on a couch in the living room. He felt pity and hurried himself to remove the coffee table to replace it with double thick blanket and placing another blanket on top of it.
He was about to call but he paused by watching Soonyoung's sleeping figure. Their distance were not too far to be stated but not too close neither and they still can feel each other's breathes.
Chan keeps observing until he fell asleep – he rest his head and arms on the couch, beside Soonyoung, while sitting on the ground comfortably – and doesn't realized anything, including an unknown touches. He was too exhausted and careless of everything else.
Morning has eaten up the nightlife and sun has finally shone up. It brighten through a few white curtains. Spreading sunrise, pinkish glow, clouds tinted, colours spread across the sky announcing the new day, oranges and reds painted across the clouds as if by a celestial hand.
The lines of glares that shot for his eyelids awaked him.
Nevertheless, he seems to be laying on a nice position without burden. He opened his eyes slowly and rubbing them to discharge a little dusts and clearing vision. He elbowed to sit up properly and examines his surroundings.
He was alone. When he spun to look at the couch, there was no one. He glanced back at himself and rethink.
Since when I slept here? As far as I remembered, I was fallen asleep on that couch. Next to him.... Wait, don't tell me he's the one who carried me here.
He widened his eyes as looking around. He stood up on his feet and searching for Soonyoung's trace but he was nowhere to be seen. Not even once hearing his voice, nor anything else. Before Chan could panicking, he saw something on the kitchen counter.
He walked over there to see a good service of breakfast and his clothes. They were folded perfectly on the counter table and he reached out for a left yellow square note and read it.
“Good morning! I'm sorry for leaving without informing you.
I'll be heading to school right away. And as you can see, I make you some breakfast. Enjoy your meal! Oh, and, I also have washed your clothes.
Wonder how? I woke up 5 in the morning, so yeah. Haha. See ya! `▿´”
He automatically smiled and leave to tidying up the messes before rushing to wash-up, changing clothes to school uniforms, as well as enjoying his breakfast.
A happy chilling hums can be heard from Chan, who seriously had a really happy morning day while eating his scrambled-egg tortilla wraps and a glass of milk. He thinks he has fresh brain, so he is determined of his answer.
It wasn't a dream. Never been a dream.
As usual, he would take a train ride to his school. Teenage kids were running and chasing around as they teases their friends' weaknesses or some jokes. Some were playing football in the field while the girls were mostly taking care of their appearance and looks.
Chan just casually stepped inside of the building. Excited to meet him during breaktime because classes would be started in any minutes. He had no chance to greet his senior, so he went straight to his classroom and settled down with Seungkwan.
Lessons had passed and breaktime is taking over.
Once again, he saw many people had been fond of each other's entertainments and chitchats in verbal communication.
He followed Seungkwan and Hansol to go for breaktime and they ate some lunch. He was actually being patience enough to wait for Soonyoung's existence but in the end, he only saw his group of friends were there.
He had to excused himself from the two and goes to approaching Wonwoo, who seems to not socializing a lot and asked.
“Hey, do you know where Soonyoung is?”
Wonwoo was a bit startled but he remained cool when he sees Chan, “Oh. He didn't tell us, but I'm pretty sure he's nearby his locker if he's not here yet,”
Chan nodded in understand, “Oh okay, thank you!” he runs.
In the meantime, Wonwoo eventually realized something and wanting to call out for the junior, “Chan-ah!!” but he failed when Chan had disappeared from his eyesight.
“Yo, what's wrong, Wonu?” Mingyu asked as he sat down beside his closest partner-in-crime.
“I forgot to tell him...,”
They know. Soonyoung had to do some explanation of where he was, last night and he told them everything. All of it. Wonwoo just worrying of misunderstandings.
Chan had his biggest grin ever while running from school halls to climbing the staircase and arriving at Senior Year's floors to find their locker hall. But his smile is soon faded and dropped blank.
In the reflection of his pupils, there is two persons were hugging. He recognizes Soonyoung's side view and a crying girl. She was wrapping her arms around Soonyoung, tightly, and Soonyoung doesn't even let go but just hugs her in return as he shut his eyes.
Am I late? I thought you could wait...
Chan stood there like a statue. Yet, he can't take it any longer. He slowly turning his back on them but before he could step forward, he heard someone's calling his name from behind.
“Chan...,” it's Soonyoung's voice.
The girl even freed him and confusedly wipes her tears while staring at Chan's direction. She was lost and unknown.
He rolled his hand into a fist till his knuckles colored in white but he don't have rights to stop them. Without anymore hesitation, he walks away and switch it into running. He know if he slow down, Soonyoung will catch him.
“Ya-yah, Chan-ah!”
“Is that him?”