4. Financial strategy for the PPP project
As it was mentioned above, the target capital structure of the project company is changed with the course of time. The equity prevails over the debt at the design stage of the project. The debt dominates at the implementation stage. At the operation stage, it is possible to raise the equity portion. Now we will determine the acceptable sources of funds and financial instruments for raising capital at each stage of project development.
Highway infrastructure projects have a complicated technical and environmental specification. Even typical or already implemented design of a facility requires modification due to soil-climatic and topographic characteristics of the project location. Due to this fact, a project requires some expenditure at the design stage. Therefore, in this case, it is advisable to start the realization of the financial strategy with investments of sponsors' own funds into the project. It is the simplest mechanism for capital accumulation. The amount of sponsors' own funds invested during the initial stage of the project is sufficient for activities during the design stage of the project. However, because of the limited amount of this type of financing it should be complemented by other sources over some period of time, especially at the implementation stage, because the project needs a constant inflow of major financial resources, as it is reflected in the chart of the life cycle of the project.