Theories of occupational choice and career development
Brill in his basic principles of psychoanalysis brill suggested that … the normal individual needs no advice or suggestion in the selection of a vocation, he usually sense best what activity to follow …
The surgeon and the butcher have both conquered their sadistic impulses and sublimate the same for useful purpose…
The professions of prize fighters, wrestler, bullfighters, warriors, and mighty hunters are direct descendants of pure sadism, and the need for the sadistic outlet is well shown by the popularity of these vocations…
Unconscious and sometimes conscious feeling of guilt remorse as a reaction to real or imaginary sins are often the basic of theological callings… the actor and the professional soldier are sublimated exhibitionists par excellence; the latter is also unconsciously dominated by a strong aggressive component…
There always some psychic determinant which laid the foundation for the later vocation, and if not interfered with the individual is unconsciously guided to express his sublimation in that particular from…
As in the selection of a mate, a sensitive person needs no advice and want none in choosing his vocation; and fools will fail in spite of the best guidance…