Nivalenol (NIV) , a type B trich othecene mycotoxin, is ma inly produced by the fungi of Fusa rium genus,
whic h nat urally occur s in agricultu ral co mmodit ies. Consum ers are partic ularly concer ned over the
toxicity an d safety of NIV in food animal products. To evalu ate the toxicokine tics and persis tence of
residues of NIV, NIV was adm inistered intravenously (iv) or orally ( po) to broiler chickens at a dosage of
0.8 mg /kg body weight. The concen tration of NIV in the plasm a an d various tis sues was detected usin g
liquid chromatography tandem -mass spec trometry. The plasma concen tration of N IV in broilers could be
meas ured up to 24 h and 12 h af ter iv and po adm inistration, respectively. The value of elim ination half -life of N IV was 5.27 ± 0.8 2 h and 2.51 ± 0.88 h af ter iv and po adminis tration, respectively. The absolu te
oral bioavailability was 3.9 8 ± 0.0 8%. N IV was detected in the intestine, kidney, musc le, heart and liver
af ter po adm inistration. Rega rding tissue residues, largest quan tities of NIV were found in the smal l
intestine. The se results suggest that NIV is absor bed from the gastrointestinal tract wit h low bioavail-ability and it has the ability to dif fuse into vari ous tissues of broilers.