cutting seedling of chrysanthemum of similar height and diameter were cultivated on july 17th, 2013. rooted seedling were transplanted into plots with 150 plants per plot 10 m2 on august 1st,2013 with a relative humidity (RH) 65-75%, temperatures 18-25, and the mean daily photosynthetically active radiation (par)1000mol m -2 day-1.
on august 16th ( 15 day after transplanting), the seedlings were sprayed with same volume of distilled h2o, inorganic NPK fertilizer () at 0.3% concentration and foliar humic acid () fertilizer at 1:600 diluted concentration respectively every 15 days ().
each treatment was replicated three times in a randomized complete block design.
the concentration of the FHA used was determined from a preliminary experiment.
the contraction of the NPK fertilizer was determined on the total content of NPK in the 1:600 () diluted FHA fertilizer at the optimum concentration rage used in the production to ensure that any differance in flower life and Quality responses were humic acid mediated.