1. Oven procedures involving various oven drying temperatures and times resulted in consistent moisture content differences relative to a standard AOAC method in the moisture content range of approximately 9 to 22% w.b.
2. A relationship between standard (actual) and apparent moisture contents was developed to quantify the effects of oven drying temperatures and times. This relationship can be used as the basis for rapid moisture content determination using high-temperature. shorttime (e.g., 200a C, 1 h) drying of rough rice in an oven.
3. Oven drying times for moisture content determination of whole-grain rough rice depended upon the sample moisture level. Low moisture samples required shorter drying times than high moisture samples required. A l1.S-h drying time at l30a C appears to be satisfactory for general use in the moisture content range of approximately 9 to 220/0 w.b. However, subsequent use of an expression relating apparent to standard moisture content is recommended to account
for varying sample moisture contents.