The next evening, after work, Cristina was doing exercises
in the gym. Twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty . . . her
stomach began to hurt, but she did not stop. She was
working hard. She wanted to feel as good as she did before
the accident. She decided to stay longer that evening and
do a few more exercises. She was finding it hard to stay in
the flat in the evenings this week. She couldn't sit quietly
and watch television or listen to music. In less than twentyfour
hours she had to be at Ezeiza Airport and she had to
be ready for every question Philippe Maudet could ask.
She looked around the gym. It was crowded and most of
the machines were busy. There were more new health clubs
in the city of Buenos Aires than new restaurants. Spring
was especially busy as people were beginning to think of
the summer and going to the beach