ABSTRACT---With the rapid development of various multimedia technologies, more and more multimedia data are generated and transmitted
in the medical, also the internet allows for wide distribution of digital media data. It becomes much easier to edit, modify and duplicate digital
information .Besides that, digital documents are also easy to copy and distribute, therefore it will be faced by many threats. It is a big security
and privacy issue, it become necessary to find appropriate protection because of the significance, accuracy and sensitivity of the information. ,
which may include some sensitive information which should not be accessed by or can only be partially exposed to the general users.
Therefore, security and privacy has become an important. Another problem with digital document and video is that undetectable modifications
can be made with very simple and widely available equipment, which put the digital material for evidential purposes under question.
Cryptography considers one of the techniques which used to protect the important information. In this paper a three algorithm of multimedia
encryption schemes have been proposed in the literature and description. The New Comparative Study between DES, 3DES and AES within
Nine Factors achieving an efficiency, flexibility and security, which is a challenge of researchers.