Reuters news agency June 13, 2014 when it reported that the South Korea police arrest brother of a water base lalaeo is involved in the tragedy, but the ship was still on the water looking lalom, the owner of the boat, the water that continues to escape. Devoid of clue
Reports indicate that the police arrest South Korea Mr. Yu Biang. Mr. Yu's brother IL Biang Boat company owner uen CHEONG Hae Jin se. boat, but could not pursue a Mr. Yu Biang. Uen has chased a Mr. Yu Biang. Uen
This is for Mr. Yu Biang. Boat company owner uen CHEONG Hae Jin runes Guilty fraud prevention databases and neglect until the vessel's security measures taken, to take a boat to go bankrupt. a life to over 314 list
. In addition, police in South Korea to pursue for the Christian Church in Korea was 2 under for u help. เบี Yong with uen after police surrounded the Church, when for several days before to catch him, but eventually reveals that he has fled.