ึถบบOkey so We dont choose clases like in America)Every day in the week we have different schedule)like every Monday we have math,bio, gim,social,chemisty
We start school in 8:00 and finished it depends what day it is)In Monday we can finished in 13:20 and in Friday we can finished in 14:00.We have 45 min or 50 min lessons and 15 min free time)
We dont go to school on Sanday)And we have 3 month summer holiday(if you dont pass exam) in Russia we have 9 grades necessarily and than after you finised it you can go to college)By the way its often free(you dont need pay money)
If you wanna go to university you need finised 11 school grade)and than you need pass the ЕГЭ (единый государственный экзамен) math and russian you pass want you or not!And that you have choose you can pass 2 or 3 or 1 more exam.it depends on the university want do you want.Like if you want to go in Economic University you pass Social and English)We have pay university but you can take scholarship(Many people take)