3.7. Texture of dough and cookies
The texture valuations of dough and cookies were presented in
Table 4. Dough hardness was tested by a penetrating force using a
5 mm diameter probe. The cookie dough containing amaranthenutrim
had a high texture value (0.61 kg) followed by cookies
containing amaranth (0.40 kg). The cookies using wheat flour had
the lowest value (0.18 kg). The highest dough hardness value was
from cookies containing amaranthenutrim composites. There was
a similar hardness trend that was observed for cookies as well as
cookie dough (Table 4). The cookies containing amaranth required
the maximum cutting force (8.84 kg) to break the cookie. In
contrast, the cookies containing wheat flour required the least
cutting force (5.34 kg) to break the cookies. The high dough and
cookie hardness may be due to the high protein content of
amaranth and high WHC of nutrim. Hoseney and Rogers reported
that hardness of the cookies was caused by the interaction of
proteins and starch by hydrogen bonding (Hoseney & Rogers, 1994).
The trends of dough texture and cookies hardness were in agreement
with the rheology results (Fig. 2).