Specific Context of the Teaching and Learning situation
How many student are in the class?
Is the course lower division, upper division or graduate level?
How long and frequent are the class meetings?
How will the course be delivered: via live classroom instruction , interactive TV, as an online course, or some combination?
Expectations of External Groups
What does society at large need and expect, in terms of the education of these students, In general or with regard to this particular subject?
Does the state or related professional societies have professional accreditation requirement that affect the goals of this learning experience?
What curricular goals does the institution or department have that affect this course or program?
Nature of the Subject?
Is this subject matter convergent (working toward a single right answer)or divergent(working toward multiple, equally valid interpretations)?
Is this subject primarily cognitive, or does it include the learning of significant physical skills as well?
Is this field of study relatively stable, in a period of rapid change, or in a situation where competing paradigms are challenging each other?
Characteristics of the Learners
What is the life situation of the students at the moment: full-time student, part-time working student, family responsibilities, work responsibilities, and the like?
What life or professional goals do they have that relate to this learning experience?
What are their reasons for enrolling?
What prior experiences. knowledge, Skills, and attitudes do the students have regarding the subject?
What are the students’ learning styles?
Characteristics or the teacher
What prior experiences, knowledge, skills, and attitudes does this teacher have in terms of the subject of this course?
Has the teacher taught this subject before, or is this the first time?
Will this teacher teach this course again in the future, or is this the last time?
Does the teacher have a high level of competence and confidence in this subject, or is this on the margins of the teacher’s zone of competence?
What prior experiences, knowledge, skills, and attitudes does this teacher have in terms of the process of teaching?(That is, how much does this teacher know about effective teaching?)
Special Pedagogical Challenge
What is the special situation in this course that challenges the students and the teacher in the desire to make this a meaningful and important learning experience?
Nature of the Subject. There are significant differences in the nature of different subjects taught in higher education, and these differences need to be reflected in the course design. Some courses deal with subject