Social Liberation requires an increase
in social opportunities or alternatives
especially for people who
are relatively deprived or oppressed.
Advocacy, empowerment procedures,
and appropriate policies can produce
increased opportunities for minority
health promotion, gay health promotion,
and health promotion for impoverished
people. These same procedures
can also be used to help all
people change such as smoke-free
zones, salad bars in school lunches,
and easy access to condoms and other
Social Liberation requires an increasein social opportunities or alternativesespecially for people whoare relatively deprived or oppressed.Advocacy, empowerment procedures,and appropriate policies can produceincreased opportunities for minorityhealth promotion, gay health promotion,and health promotion for impoverishedpeople. These same procedurescan also be used to help allpeople change such as smoke-freezones, salad bars in school lunches,and easy access to condoms and othercontraceptives.
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