There are no hypotheses tested in this study. The study is designed to characterize TQ
exposures in pediatric subjects. A population PK modelling and simulations-based
approach was utilized to support appropriate study sample size and PK sampling times
for the proposed population PK bridging study. Based on these simulations, a sample
size of 16 subjects and a sparse sampling scheme of four time points per subject are
considered sufficient for the evaluation of the primary PK objective of estimating TQ
apparent systemic clearance (CL) and thus exposure [AUC(0-∞) = Dose/CL] within each
weight band in pediatric subjects aged ≥2 years to <16 years. Up to two interim analyses
(at 16 and 32 subjects) have been planned so that sparse PK sampling may be stopped at
the earliest opportunity, although all remaining subjects recruited into the study will have
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a minimum of two PK samples taken. Recruitment will continue for safety data