4. Survey Result
เท order to survey the opinions and receive interesting comments, we have created the online survey page which is available at
httpsV/spreadsheetsO. google. com/spreadsheet/viewform?hl=th&hl=th&formkev=dEFESy1FWm9 LNVB3NHJITHJqcTVXSHc6MA#gid=0 The targets of this survey are teachers and learners who have some experience in using Facebook as a supplementary tool for teaching and learning.
We separated the questionnaire into 2 sections. The first section is about general data of the questionnaire respondents and the other section is about opinions of advantages and disadvantages of using Facebook as a supplementary tool for teaching and learning. เท this section, we refer to students as learners.
4.1 General data of Questionnaire Respondents