Conceptual Framework The conceptual framework was the foundation on which the entire research project was based. It was logically developed, described and elaborated network of associations among the variables deemed relevant to the research [15]. The objectives of this study are to find the factors that influencing and contributing to the customers' intention to use e-commerce system. For developing an in-depth understanding of consumers' attitudes toward online shopping and their intentions to shop on the Internet, the researcher built up a framework, based on previous research on consumer adoption of new technologies and services. As noted earlier, in this framework e-commerce is defined as the use of online stores by consumers up until the transactional stage of purchasing and logistics.
The core constructs of this framework are adapted from the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), an influential research model in the information systems field. Although this model is specifically tailored to understand the adoption of computer-based technologies on the job or in the workplace, it has proven to be suitable as a theoretical foundation for the adoption of e- commerce as well. Therefore, the TAM constructs are used as a basis for this research framework.
The schematic diagram in figure 1 clearly explained the relationships among the variables. Once these relationships were identified the hypotheses can be postulated easily and the dynamics of the situation was clearly comprehensible. The model consists of four factors that were positioned to have an effect adoption of e-commerce.