and in the Household 48.0 euro. The difference in favor of the hotel is 17.8 euro or 37 % per every sold room per
day. According to the profit index per room, in the case of the Hotel it is significantly higher than the sale that is
realized through the B&B Houselhold lodging product. The profit index per lodging unit is not directly
comparable, but nevertheless the assessment is that the lodging in the B&B Household has a considerably lesser
profit for the host at the tourist destination than the Hotel.
The fulfillment of requirements according to the employment indicator between the hotel and the
household product, expressed per room or lodging unit, is at this moment crucial for the Croatian economy.
Officially, the average number of employed per room in B&B Households is 0.0%. Pursuant to Law in the
matter of the B&B Household product, its activity is defined as a supplementary source of income for the
population and which is not associated with the employment of unemployed persons. As regards the Hotel
product, one person is officially employed on every three lodging units. This means that the average number of
employees per room in the Hotel product is 0.34 employees per room. Direct benefits for the host’s employment
are essentially different in the B&B Household lodging product in comparison with the Hotel product. According
to the employment indicator the Household product has a directly unacceptable impact on the host’s employment
at the destination.
According to the displayed comparable indicators on fulfillment of tourist and host needs, it is possible
to ascertain the kind of existing tourist product of Croatia from an aspect of development of sustainable
tourism. By measuring the basic tourist lodging products in the Hotel and B&B Household, according to the same
key indexes of the industry of lodging, it has been determined that the tourist lodging product of the Hotel has a
much lower impact on the environment and host community than that of the B&B Household product.
Thereby, the Hotel product brings about a socially acceptable product and the Household lodging
product creates an unacceptable social impact on the community’s environment. According to the three
demonstrated key elements of comparable business results it has been assessed that the lodging product in the
B&B Household has a weak and low yearly average of capacity utilization of only 8.8%; a considerably lesser
profit since it is a supplementary lodging product and does not employ the unemployed of the host’s destination.
Therefore the existing tourist lodging product in Croatia is assessed as a dominantly unsustainable tourist product
due to the much greater share of supplementary lodging capacities in B&B Households by comparison with the
considerably much smaller share in Hotels.