Background: The economic and moral implications of family burden are well recognised. What is less understood
is whether or how family health and family burden relate to personal mental health. This study examines family
health and perceived family burden as predictors of personal mental health, taking personal and sociodemographic
factors into consideration.
Methods: Data used was from the National Comorbidity Study Replication (NCS-R), namely the random 30% of
participants (N = 3192) to whom the family burden interview was administered. Measures of family burden and
mental health were considered for analysis.
Results: Binary logistic regressions were used as means of analyses. Perception of family burden was associated
with an increased vulnerability to personal mental health problems, as was the presence of mental health
difficulties within the family health profile. Which member of the family (kinship) was ill bore no relation to
prediction of personal mental health. Personal and socio-demographic factors of sex, age, marital status, education
and household income were all predictive of increased vulnerability to mental health problems over the last 12
Conclusions: Certain elements of family health profile and its perceived burden on the individuals themselves
appears related to risk of personal incidence of mental health problems within the individuals themselves. For
moral and economic reasons, further research to understand the dynamics of these relationships is essential to aid
developing initiatives to protect and support the mental health and wellbeing of relatives of ill individuals.
Keywords: Mental health, Family burden