There is no doubt about the necessity of developing alternate
strategy to control pests of crop plants by using microorganisms
which are enemies to the pests. Such microorganisms, popularly
known as biocontrol agents, kill the pathogens by direct destruction
of their cellular structures, by competing for nutrients (Pal
and Gardener, 2006) or by producing some antagonistic metabolites
(Cazorla et al., 2006; Naseby et al., 2001). In the present work
five different bacterial strains were used to control the fungal pathogen
R. stolonifer VBAM1 of the jackfruit rot disease. All the five
strains were able to produce prominent zones of inhibition against
isolated pathogens in dual culture overlay plates (Table 1). Among
two rhizospheric bacterial strains, P. poae VBK1 was more effective