proposed a pipeline architecture
which is capable of producing one edge detected pixel for
every clock cycle with maximum clock frequency of 10
MHz. The architecture is operational for real time edge
detection application. Shen et al. [3] presented a software
implementation of Perwitt edge detection technique by using
convolution operation. The scheme is capable of performing
on compressed images and videos that can be used in variety
of image processing application for instance motion
estimation and comer detection. Pel-Yung [4] proposed the
systolic array architecture with scalable first in, first out
(FIFO) design to perform the effect of edge detection on five
images with different size. It is capable to produce 73.6
MHz frequency with video rate 280 fps. Abbasi et al [5]
proposed a real time architecture for Perwitt edge detection
by conducting pipelining technique. The architecture
executed faster than the software designed version by C or
C++ languages.