Note: Scholars of Tafseer* have expressed two different opinions
about "Keep away from their beds at night". One takes it as the
period between 'Maghrib' and 'Isha' Salaat; most Traditions confirm
this version. Anas Radhiallaho anho has said that this Ayat was
revealed concerning the Ansaar, because they did not go to their
homes after Maghrib Salaat and stayed on till after they had per-
formed the Isha Salaat with Rasulullah Sallallaho alaihe wasallanu
Yet another Hadith quoted by Anas Radhiallaho anho states that a
number of Muhajireen were in the habit of performing Nafl after
Marghrib till Isha and this Ayat was revealed concerning them. Bilal
Radhiallaho anho says, "We used to remain seated after Maghrib
Salaat and a group of Sahabah kept themselves busy in Salaat, till
Isha, and it was regarding them that this Ayat was revealed."
Abdullah Ibne Eisa Radhiallaho anho has also confirmed the state-
ment regarding the Ansaar that they performed Nafl Salaat between