cognitive anxiety is addressed by STAI instrument means that high level of STAI scores determines high level in
cognitive anxiety (Cassady and Johnson, 2002; and Spielberger, 1983).
2 Method
A total 135 students with low academic performance were participating in this study. For physiological arousal
uses heart rate sensor and respiration sensor by Stress Sweeper. Cognitive anxiety measures by STAI and SAS. The
entire instrument consists of reliability and validity test. Pearson correlation uses to examine the significant
correlation of physiological arousal and cognitive anxiety toward academic performance.
2.1 Heart rate (beat per-minute)
Beat per minute is a measure of heart rate as measured by the electrocardiograph sensor, recorded for five minutes
with the accumulated time of one minute (Pougatchev and Pougatchev, 2008). Mean heart rate expects around 70
beats per-minute.
2.2 Respiration (breath per-minute)
Respiration is a physiological phenomenon and is used as the basis for the training techniques in this study. Breath
per minute is a measure of respiration rate and is measured using the respiratory sensor. The respiration rate was
calculated by recording the breathing for five minutes with the accumulated time of one minute (Pougatchev and
Pougatchev, 2008). Mean of breath per-minute expects around 6 breath per-minute.
2.3 State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI)
This instrument has forty items of questions with two subscales: The S-Anxiety scale (STAI Form Y-1) consists
of twenty statements that evaluate how respondents’ feel about anxiety currently, at this moment”. The standard test
form is to the write on each item-statement that best describes the intensity of their feelings: (1) not at all; (2)
somewhat; (3) moderately so; (4) very much so. In responding to the T-anxiety scale (STAI Form Y-2) consists of
twenty statements that assess how people “generally feel” about anxiety with four point scale: (1) almost never; (2)
sometimes; (3) often; (4) almost always. The STAI is documented of reliability and validity test which had yielded
.850 (Vitasari et al., 2011b).