Call centers are utilized to
a great extent in the media
and entertainment industry.
Companies focused on information,
communication and entertainment delivery,
like cable, digital and other high-speed service
providers, rely heavily on call centers to serve
as the front line of their companies.
Call centers manage phone calls, emails and
letters for technical assistance, requesting
answers about bills or types of service, or
a variety of other inquiries. This frontline
support can be a key source of goodwill
or frustration.
As businesses grow, management often makes
economic and strategic decisions to contract with
a third party and outsource their call centers. Call
centers can reduce support costs by reducing
payroll expenses and redundant work, by easing
the means to meet regulatory requirements and
by streamlining processes.
Key business objectives of a call center can
include revenue generation (sales, collections,
and retention), efficiency (cost effective
operations) and customer satisfaction (strong
brand image).
Further, some types of contact are governed
by laws around data privacy, how quickly
inbound calls are answered, and outbound
telemarketing calls (“do-not-call” lists).