3. Results
3.1. PAH concentrations
Particle phase PAH concentrations, the sum of 16 PAH from
acenaphthalene to coronene (termed as Σ16PAH and the sum of the
high molecular weight PAH from benzo(b)fluoranthene to coronene
(termed as ∑(BbF-Cor)) measured in a range of indoor and outdoor
environments are presented in Table 1.
The concentration of Σ16PAH and of BaP in indoor environments
ranged from below detection limit to 62.8 and 4.9 ng/m3 respectively
with geometric mean values of 2.2 (GSD= 3.7) ng/m3 for Σ16PAH and
0.1 (GSD= 3.4) ng/m3 for BaP. The highest PAH concentrations were
measured in pubs where Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) was
present, whilst the lowest concentrations were measured in public
indoor environments (i.e. libraries and museums), with concentrations
ranging from 0.1–4.9 ng/m3 and 0.02–0.25 ng/m3 for BaP