Previously distinguished groups, both producers and experts, were analyzed separately: the “Bristol University survey service” was used to analyze the RAS questionnaire, whilst NVivo 9 software was used to analyze the research questionnaire. The “BristolUniversity survey service” recorded the results in the system, for subsequent analysis of the data. The service permits making both quantitative (e.g. the percentage of people who responded to each option) and qualitative analyses (e.g. cross-tabulate results between two specific questions, cross-tabulated results between a specific question and the whole survey, or additional analysis
like word clouding – up-scale words from a certain question answers depending its important, weighted by the number of times appeared). The interviews, once recorded, were transcribed and
exported to the NVivo 9 program. This served to analyze and identify the main ideas, permitting the classification of data following different criteria (e.g. the role in industry or type of working field), summarizing all the answers for each of the questions and creating
“mind maps” for more visual and easy to understand results.