1. The objective of this study is “to investigate the feasibility of using hydrogen as renewable energy and sustainable renewable energy in the future of the Thailand”. However, the author has not mentioned that it is financial feasibility or economic feasibility. Also, the study (at least in the abstract) hasn’t shown any result of the feasibility study in values. I am not sure whether this study was only the descriptive study or economic feasibility (Cost-benefit analysis). Please elaborate more on this point.
2. It is not clear to me (in the abstract) that “the feasibility of using hydrogen as renewable energy and sustainable renewable energy in the future of the Thailand” means. It seems to me that the author needs some alternatives, rather than only the current situation (status quo) to compare between/among the alternatives. For example, the author may have 1) a current situation (no hydrogen energy) and 2) hydrogen energy. If yes, the author may want to elaborate more for all alternatives used in the study.
3. The study did not mention what methodology/method used to answer the objective of the study. Is it the household/individual survey or focus-group discussion or key-informant interview? If it is the survey, please specify how many sample the author collected and who the respondents were.