2.4. Surface color measurement
External berry color was measured with a chromameter
(CR 200, Minolta, Ramsey, NJ) which provided CIE L*,
a* and b* values. These values were then used to calculate
hue degree (h = arctangent [b*/a*]), where 0 = red-purple;
90 = yellow; 180 = bluish-green; and 270 = blue. For
Chinese bayberry and strawberry, two readings per fruit
were taken on opposite cheeks of 10 fruits from each replicate.
Since the stem end of blueberry fruit is the last to
develop color (McGuire, 1992), blueberry fruit surface color
was measured on this part using 10 fruits from each replicate.
2.4. Surface color measurementExternal berry color was measured with a chromameter(CR 200, Minolta, Ramsey, NJ) which provided CIE L*,a* and b* values. These values were then used to calculatehue degree (h = arctangent [b*/a*]), where 0 = red-purple;90 = yellow; 180 = bluish-green; and 270 = blue. ForChinese bayberry and strawberry, two readings per fruitwere taken on opposite cheeks of 10 fruits from each replicate.Since the stem end of blueberry fruit is the last todevelop color (McGuire, 1992), blueberry fruit surface colorwas measured on this part using 10 fruits from each replicate.
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