For solar thermal, the NREAP-target (11.3 PJ) is below the target ranges derived in Kranzl et al. (2009) (17–24 PJ) and in the lower part of the range of literature scenarios (10–38 PJ) for the year 2020. The Austrian NREAP does not distinguish between solar thermal systems for space heating and hot water on the one hand and industrial appliances on the other. Currently, the share of solar thermal systems in industry is still very low ( Biermayr et al., 2010). Therefore, projected deployment of solar thermal systems for industrial process applications can be regarded as having a higher degree of uncertainty than in the space heating sector. However, even if only the target range for the sector of space heating and hot water preparation (15–20 PJ) is taken into account, it would lead to the conclusion that the NREAP-targets are rather unambitious.