Do you not think other people haven’t already benefitted quite enough from your hard work?
(Laughs) Well I mean I enjoy it! I think I’ll always keep writing for other people, if that’s what you’re talking about specifically. I have millions of songs that I’m never going to sing but someone else could sing a lot better than I could, so I’d rather give them to other people than have them sitting in my brain, festering away.
You say you have millions of songs. What’s a more realistic number?
Probably about 500.
Fucking hell!
Yeah! I write – since ‘I Love It’ blew up – every day. Every single day. And I’ve been in LA on and off for the past three months and sometimes I’ll do two to three sessions in a day. I feel quite creative right now. I feel like I’m kind of doing something right at the moment.
And this coincides with your profile perhaps opening doors now that weren’t open a year ago, but are you going hell for leather because you’ve never hit this creative streak before, or because you’re worried it’s going to end, you’ll never hit it again and you think you’ve only got another three months before you burn out?
I’ve always been on a creative streak! My songs have always been amazing. But now it’s just like people want to listen to them because I wrote a couple of big songs. I’m excited by the people who are contacting me at the moment. I don’t think I’ll burn out – the only problem is that because I’ve been in the studio so much I haven’t done as many things. I haven’t gone out and… Well, I have partied, but not loads. So I feel like I need to do that then go back into the studio and write about it.