Note: This is an early release beta, so not all the features talked about will work. You can just try things and see what works and what doesn't.
Welcome to: Survive the wild!
Thank you for trying, survive the wild, by Sam tupy productions!
Table of contents
This will list sections of the readme and allow you to jump quickly to each section. •1. What is survive the wild
•1.1. Important note
•2. Roll play
•3. Getting started
•3.1. things often found in the game
•3.2. Launching the game for the first time
•4. The main menu
•5. Game configuration
•6. The Game.
•6.1. Starting Out.
•6.2. Getting Water.
•6.3. Getting settled.
•6.4. Cutting Down Your First Tree.
•6.5. Starting Your First Fire.
•6.6. fishing and eating.
•6.6.1. making a fishing pole.
•6.6.2. making a lure.
•6.6.3. let's fish!
•7. Key Reference.
•7.1. Movement Keys.
•7.2. Status Keys.
•7.3. Inventory Keys.
•7.4. Chat Keys.
•7.5. Other Keys.
•8. Joystick Reference.
•9. Chat Commands.
•10. Inventory.
•10.1. inside the inventory.
•10.2. outside of the inventory.
•10.3. interacting.
•11. movement in survive the wild.
•11.1. Getting familiar with cardinal direction.
•11.2. Determining the direction the sun is facing.
•11.3. Time guide.
•11.4. Angle adjustment.
•11.5. Locating tile changes, trees, items, and people.
•11.6. tracking objects..
•12. Hunting.
•12.1. Good hunting weapons.
•12.2. Animal movement.
•12.3. Hunting rabbits.
•12.4. Hunting wolves.
•12.5. Hunting bears.
•12.6. Preparation/extras.
1. What is survive the wild?
Well. one day, I was in a skype call with some of my friends. We were board and wanted to come up with a new game idea. I was thinking. What is something no one else has ever created. What is the one thing that I like to read about. And the simple answer, was surviving in the wild. a complete life simulator. I mentioned it, and from the time I said, we should call it survive the wild, to now, those words, is all it took to come up with the ideas for this game. No more holding down left arrow folks. Choose your walking speed and don't fall over, cook, eat, drink, hunt, start fires, cut down trees, go to a radiation covered bombsight to gather useful items, give your enemies a punch in the face when they want it, deal with depression for losses, sleep, dream, fish, deal with harsh weather, create anything from bows to boats, take advantage of the say command, participate in role play, open gifts on those special occasions, make a tree house, drop a lump of wood on someone's head, clap to jingle bells, and much, much more. But most importantly, survive! Note those strange things like jingle bells, aren't intentional, but something to remember, be creative. Yes you can build a tree house up in a tree. Yes you can drop an item such as wood or something on someone's head. And you know why? Because I wanted to make this as realistic as possible. A bullet doesn't pass threw someone. One thing I kept in mind while making this project, was that I didn't want it to be a mud. I wanted it to be the real deal. no more typing chop tree with knife, nope, instead get out your knife and continually whack the tree until it goes timber!
1.1. important note!
Please make sure you read this readme all the way threw, I don't want anyone to miss out on one single feature!
2. Roll play
Well most of you out there know what this is, I will go ahead and give a little explanation of it. Roll play is basically the difference between real life, and a game. There is two things. In character, and out of character. In character is your character in game, while out of character is real life. For example in game, you can't say, I wish an admin would help me, because let me ask you. If you were in the wild, for real, would you randomly come up to someone and say hey, I wish an admin would help me with something. That might be what you'd say out of character. In character, you could complain if you were thirsty, or hungry, all of those. Or in character you wouldn't say something that happened in real life unless you could come up with a creative way of saying that in character. But saying I have to go eat because my mom is calling me, would be out of character unless your character in game had a mom who told you that in game, you had to meet up with her somewhere to eat. Another thing to note is that if someone insults you in character, you shouldn't take offence to that in real life, because in character is your character in game. You might punch someone and they might start calling you names or cursing you out or what not, but don't take offence to it. It's only in game. But, out of character if someone does that that means they are talking to you, in real life. Not you, in the game. Some people have a hard time separating the two, but that's up to you. We won't force you to do role play, but good names and using the different chat functions is enforced. If you don't want to participate in role play, you don't need to use the