Dear Benny,
I’m writing you this letter from the future. Don’t throw it away. Don’t try and understand how it’s possible. The important thing is to read what I have to say. That’s all you need to understand.
You should do more with your life. If you keep doing what you’re doing now, you’re going to be miserable for the next five years. In five years from now, you’re only beginning to realize your potential in life. Start now. Don’t wait.
For too long you’ve been unhappy with where you work. You’ve been looking for more to your life. The reason you’ve been looking so long is because you’ve been too safe. You were afraid to try new things for fear of failing.
There is no success without failure. If you look at some of the most successful people they have failed numerous times. They didn’t give up because they believed in what they were doing. Don’t let failure stop you.
Take care of your body better. You’ll go through phases where you gain weight and lose weight but stay consistent and healthy. You do your best work when you’re exercising and eating right.
Don’t think buying more things will make you happier. The definition of success isn’t shown by the things you own. Even if you buy a nicer car or a bigger television won’t make you happy for long. In five years, you’ll have a house full of crap you don’t care about.
Surround yourself with inspiring people. Think about the people you hang out with now. Are they the type of people you would want to be? If you can’t find them, look online because there are so many amazing genuine people there.
Read more books. Read for pleasure but read more books that will teach you.
Don’t try and multitask. You’re terrible at it. Focus on one task at a time without distraction. You’ll get more done in less time. Trust me it’s taken me five years to figure that out. I’m going to save you some time.
I know you love to watch TV but limit it to only shows you truly love to watch. Cut out the rest.
Don’t complain about not having time to do things. Everyone has 24 hours in a day. Instead of making a to do list, try to make a list of things you shouldn’t do so you have more time.
Be thankful for what you have and you’ll have more. Thinking of what you don’t have will only keep bringing you nothing. You won’t believe how powerful gratitude is. It’s changing my life everyday as I write this. It can improve your health, wealth and relationships. Besides, life is a gift and you should be most thankful for that.
If you don’t like yourself, then nobody will like you. How do you expect to be a person everyone wants to be around when you don’t even like yourself? Start by changing your attitude about yourself and only then will people be drawn towards you.
Your thoughts are more powerful than you think. How you think you are is the type of person you will be. The outcome you envision in your mind will be the outcome you attract.
That inner voice you have? Shut him up.
There’s only one Benny Hsu in this world. I want you to live life the way you want to. Feel happy every day. I’ve had periods of wondering if life will get any better. Listen to me, it will.
Finally no matter what you do these next five years, make sure in May 2007 you go to Taipei and stay there for 21 months. Be sure on August 8, 2008 you go out with your kickboxing friends to a small club cause you’ll meet the woman of your dreams named Eleanor. Don’t worry she won’t act interested at first but by the end of the night, both your lives will never be the same.
See you in five years.
P.S. Here’s a sneak peak at Eleanor. Beautiful isn’t she? Her personality is even better