Present specimens, 93-126 mm in snoutvent
length (SVL), differ from known species
of Leiolepis other than L. boehmei by having
blackish or brownish olive color on upper body
with two bold uninterrupted longitudinal stripes
of light color that fade solely in the neck
region. The ventral surface of the head is gray
with white bars and the dorsum of head is olive
with a small pale yellowish spot on the lower
eyelid. All these and other features exhibited by
these specimens were common to L. boehmei as
described by Darevsky and Kupriyanova
(1993). It is therefore obvious that they belong
to this species and thus represent substantial
northward range extention of the species,
because L. boehmei has not been recorded from
areas north of Songkhla Province (Fig. 1). The
Figure 1. Localities of Leiolepis boehmei. ( ,
Hua Sai District, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province; ,
Muang District, Cha Na District, and Thepha District,
Songkhla Province, Thailand). The locality of Leiolepis
triploida ( ) in northern Malaysia is from Darevsky
and Kupriyanova (1993).
Present specimens, 93-126 mm in snoutventlength (SVL), differ from known speciesof Leiolepis other than L. boehmei by havingblackish or brownish olive color on upper bodywith two bold uninterrupted longitudinal stripesof light color that fade solely in the neckregion. The ventral surface of the head is graywith white bars and the dorsum of head is olivewith a small pale yellowish spot on the lowereyelid. All these and other features exhibited bythese specimens were common to L. boehmei asdescribed by Darevsky and Kupriyanova(1993). It is therefore obvious that they belongto this species and thus represent substantialnorthward range extention of the species,because L. boehmei has not been recorded fromareas north of Songkhla Province (Fig. 1). TheFigure 1. Localities of Leiolepis boehmei. ( ,Hua Sai District, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province; ,Muang District, Cha Na District, and Thepha District,Songkhla Province, Thailand). The locality of Leiolepistriploida ( ) in northern Malaysia is from Darevskyand Kupriyanova (1993).
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