Homework Jr READING AND VOCABULARY Medical technology applies engineering to biology anri medicine-for example, the development ofalds or replacements for defective or missing body parts. Bioengineering combines biologic cience with engineering ofmetaland plastic itis used to keep ome product of bioengineering is the artificialheart This ismade ry sick patients alive who might die whilewaitingfora transplant of a natural heart Anartificial d and hydraulic it ha heart has an electric motor and a with is a rechargeable external and internal parts is, outside and inside the body) Inside the body battery which powers the pumping system Thisinternal battery is recharged by an external battery us nga simple coil, inducesa current This then recharges the body of course The whole system is controlled by a microprocessor (also called a controller) inside the biological is very important, the plastics in the artificial heart are very durable. There is also3 heart pacemaker which keeps the at a Another product of medical technology is 5 equiamunt This scan nternal organs of the body, and produces images using technologies such asx Rays andultrasound CAT scanners use special X-ray equipment (CAT is really which stands for Computed Tomography A computer is rocesses the images create a cross-section of the soft tissue and organs of the body. CT imaging very useful because it ca thesoft partsof the very dearly body Electroni Assistive Technology or EATis an example of mecha inmedicaltechnology Mechatronics combines can provide equipment for very disabled people disabled person's house, for example this televisions, with eye movements Another example of EAT is the ultracane Blind people often carry a cane when walking The ultracane uses ultrasound (sound above the level of human hearing) fo help blind people detectobjects around hem some people call it the Cane because bats useultrasound when they fly at night Comprehension Answer the questions ritirii hear iven to some patients before a heart transplant?