Isolation of endophytic bacterial strains Endophytic bacteria isolated from C. frutescence variety US 341commonly grown disease resistant variety in Guntur district. Healthy chilli plant at fruit ripening stage was collected from Amaravathi village in Guntur district in zip lock covers under aseptic condition. Ripened fruits, Green fruits, Stem, Leaves were separated thoroughly washed with tap water to remove adhering dust, fertilizers, soil and debris then washed with sterile distilled water. Ripened fruits were disinfected with H2O2 for 2min, rinsed; 70% ethanol for 5min,rinsed followed by disinfected superficially with 3% sodium hypochlorite rinsed for ten times (5min each rinse) in sterile saline water. To confirm the surface disinfection procedure successful and to verify that no biological contamination on the surface, sterility checks were carried out [35]. After the confirmation of surface disinfestations without biological contamination, sample of plant material was aseptically weighed one gram and then macerate. Macerated tissue was placed in a tube containing 9ml sterile 1% NaCl solution, and serially diluted upto 10-10. 0.1 ml of each dilution was spread with a sterile glass rod over surface of nutrient agar (NA) supplemented with 2.0 g/L sucrose. Petri plates were incubated at 280C for 7 days. Colony counts recorded by standard methods and isolated each colony on agar slant separately