This learning process is designed for one year program. The selected 25 young adults who commit to engage in peace building efforts in the region will learn about peace building through various activities such as training, mobile classroom and exchange programs like internship, cultural activities, producing history documentation, etc. The learning process is divided into 4 stages: 1) national process, 2) regional training, 3) exchange program and 4) monitoring and evaluation.
The national process is a platform for national strategic team to build their capacity and understand peace-building concept, conflict and violence in their countries andMekongregion. At the same time, it is a preparation stage for national/regional strategic team members and young adult participants to engage in the learning process.
The Regional training will help regional strategic team and participants to understand the theories, issue on identity and nationalism inMekongregion and to learn practical skills that can be used to promote and build peace. Besides, the training will also provide exposure emersion for RST and participants to learn from real conflict situation and they will have an opportunity to practice the non-violent skills and to take some actions to promote peace during peace journey.
The exchange program will provide opportunity for some young adult participants to learn from other country experiences through internship program.
At the last stage of this learning process, the regional strategic team and representative from young adult participants will have an evaluation of the whole learning process in order to draw lesson learned to improve the learning process for next year. Throughout the learning process, the young adult participants will have to do some tasks according to their willingness and they will be supervised closely and supported by strategic team of each country.
At the end of the learning process, all participants who complete the whole learning process will get the certificate as an award of their commitment and achievement