6. Conclusion
In this paper, we propose a robust Network Coding based Multicast Routing, named
CRMP, in mobile ad-hoc wireless networks. Firstly, a stable mesh topology is
established to provide reliable packet delivery from source node to multicast destination
nodes in dynamic network topologies as mobile ad-hoc wireless networks. Secondly, we
apply linear network coding to forwarders in mesh. By applying linear network coding
only to forwarders in mesh topology, we exploit spatial diversity to improve coding and
decoding opportunities. Third, each forwarder checks coding and decoding opportunity
carefully instead of blindly code packet together. Finally, a local route repairing
mechanism is used to prevent multicast destination nodes from decoding failure. The
simulation results show that the performance of our proposed network coding based
multicast routing protocol outperforms those of CodeCast and ODMRP.