- Man down! - Move! Ambulance!
Agent down!
Suspect on foot!
He jumped out the window! I'm coming down!
We gotta get him to county!
- What? - How's it look?
It's not great. Get an ambulance! Now!
Go with Katherine.
Come on and get him!
- Got anything? - No sign!
We got anything? Anything?
- What am I looking for? - No idea!
- White male... - Left!
- Left here? - Left here.
Car heading west...
- In pursuit. - Give us a description.
- Right! - We will when we can.
Yellow cab. He's stolen a yellow cab.
I need a number.
- Five. M. Four. Three. - There!
Look out!
We're gonna lose him!
- Take a left. - He went straight!
Take a left!
- Okay, stop! - Sit back!
- Stop the car! - I got this!
Stop the fucking car! What's the matter with you?
- He's gonna get away. - Just stop the car.
- You want me to let him go? - Shut up!
Come on! Come on!
Right. Go!
- You okay? - Yeah. Are you?
Where is he?
Where is he?
Hey, cop!
You're not him.
- You want a moment alone with him? - Yeah.
- Did you get the guy? - No, Katherine did.
Good for her.
It wasn't the guy, was it?
So you were right.
He was just leading us down a path.
Handing us that psychopath.
And now...
Now he's got another terminal case to show for it.
Stage four cancer.
You'd picked up on that, hadn't you?
I figured.
I appreciate you not making me talk about it.
I got the diagnosis...
...a few months ago. And...
It's too advanced to do anything about it.
You will...
You'll check on Laura and my little man now and then?
Yes, of course, I will.
Hell, John!
I'm not ready to die.
I guess, uh...
You know, I'd been planning on it. I've been expecting it for a little bit.
But not for a few more months. You know, I...
I have so much stuff to do.
I want to move Laura to the country.
I want to teach my little boy to drive.
You were always a lousy driver.
I know.
I wanted him to take after his dad.
You know, we, uh...
We want for so much in life, you know?
And then we get it.
I have it.
But I've run out of time. There's just no time left.
Well, you did a hell of a lot with your life and time.
My friend.
- Not enough, John. - You did.
It's good having you back, you know?
Tell me one of your crappy jokes.
Crappy joke? How about I disconnect you? Would that make you laugh?
It's true. You really fucking can't.
That smile right there.
You do me a favor. You take that to Elizabeth. Okay?
You make it up with her.
I'm sorry I said to you what I said last night.
You wanted to tell me something at the park.
What was that?
Oh, yeah, I remember.
Yes, it was a...
...beautiful Sunday afternoon. June 24th 1990.
I watched my daughter playing in the garden.
Everyone singing "Happy Birthday."
It was her sixth birthday.
All the other kids had a great time.
Suddenly, there it was. I saw it...